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The QuadStar is Garmendale's aerial roundabout ride system. It is completely configurable to carry from six to ten vehicles. Each car allows four people to explore together. From the outset, it was designed to be amazingly family friendly and flexible. It’s fully interactive too and allows full yaw control for the ‘driver’.
The QuadStar ride system can be delivered with full interactive gaming for passengers. This can take many forms but is active throughout the complete ride for passengers. This can range from a traditional shooting game to a high tech voyage of exploration and discovery.
Safety where you need it
The ride has been designed to be extra safe too, with individual lap bars for all passengers. It’s also built to BS/EN 1090 so you can guarantee every part on the ride is sourced correctly and then manufactured correctly too.
The GoJetters Vroomster Ride at Alton Towers
The first QuadStar was installed within CBeebies Land at Alton Towers in early 2017 and others are already in development with different IPs too.
Development History
The 10 arm QuadStar was developed by our in house design and development team. The cars are driven by hydraulic rams to a height of 4m, which is enough to be slightly challenging for tots and it’s been designed to operate in a 16m envelope.
There are smaller versions too, with six and eight arm rides also available for smaller sites. These can operate within smaller envelopes and lower lift heights, whilst still offering all of the quality and engineering of its larger stable mate.
The system can be themed to match almost any IP or brand requirement. The first model was delivered to Alton Towers in Spring 2017 built around the powerful Go Jetters global IP.
The latest rides in development for overseas markets are being themed to look entirely different and are bing delivered with full interactive gaming on board too.
So whether you're looking for an aeroplane, turtle or even a specific motor vehicle, our theming team can match your demands and build a QuadStar aerial roundabout ride around your needs.
To speak to us about QuadStar or any of our ride systems, please call us on +44(0)115 932 7082.