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Gas Turbine Units
Dry air storage of off-load turbine/compressor units is recommended to prevent potentially dangerous embrittling contamination of the highly stressed alloy steel blades and to minimise corrosion of the lower alloy components. Corrosion of the turbine shaft itself can cause some imbalance and corroded blades heat unevenly, which then produces unacceptable vibration especially during normal quick start of gas turbines. The proven remedy is to close the air inlet valve (damper) and admit dry air, which is allowed to exhaust through the hot gas system.
Switch Gear Rooms
The main switch gear rooms in power stations are in normally dry areas, but some which could be vital can become exposed to damp conditions. A failure in operation could result in the renewal of possibly obsolete equipment, or even worse, a failure of a complete turbine. Dehumidification units ensure performance and reliability.
The Solution
In order to provide a controlled environment a Munters desiccant dehumidification system was installed Dehumidification by Munters removes the ambient moisture, eliminating corrosion and humidity-induced electrical and electronic faults. This ensures reliable operation with fewer failures and lower maintenance costs – a key benefit in today’s competitive market – maximises plant availability and profitability.
Contact us on 01480 432243 or email us to find out more.