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Munters is a global leader in climate control solutions. Through innovative technologies, we create the most optimal climate for demanding industrial and agricultural applications where controlling humidity, temperature and air quality is mission critical. For the power industry, creating the right environment ensures that power plants using renewable and non-renewable fuels, as well as wind turbines, work more efficiently and remain in good operating condition.

High humidity causes condensation and corrosion. Too much moisture in the air leads to operational issues with pumps, switchgears and electronics, which can lead to startup failures after maintenance outages, along with fines for non-delivery. Munters dehumidification systems for power plants and wind turbines create low-humidity atmospheres to help prevent these problems.

Wind and gas turbines are sensitive to dust and droplets in the incoming air supply. On the other hand, power plants operating on coal, waste or biomass must treat exhaust gases to prevent the release of contaminant-laden droplets into the ambient air. Munters mist elimination technology helps keep supply air and exhaust gas contaminant-free in more than 320,000 installations worldwide.

Munters Ltd equipment ensures that power plants and wind turbines are protected from corrosion and stay in perfect condition - all this for a fraction of the cost of a new plant or equipment.

Michelle Bell
+44 (0)1480 432243
Munters, Knowledge Centre, Wyboston Lakes, Great North Road Wyboston Bedfordshire MK44 3BY, UK
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Case Studies

Mist elimination increases filter life and lowers pressure drop Mist elimination increases filter life and lowers pressure drop
Rising energy costs and shortages around the world have driven the power and process industrie...
Increasing turbine horsepower in a harsh environment Increasing turbine horsepower in a harsh environment
TC Energy pumps natural gas through underground pipelines from production facilities in wester...
Munters solutions in Kwa Sizabantu Greenhouse Munters solutions in Kwa Sizabantu Greenhouse
Kwa Sizabantu Greenhouse is located in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. In the video you'l...