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Course Overview:

Our training course is designed to give an introduction to Hydrogen energy and the hazardous area concepts for the use of electrical and non-electrical equipment where Hydrogen gas is present.

The course explains the applications for Hydrogen, the different types of Hydrogen and the dangers of Hydrogen.

The course also provides information, based on the requirements of EN/IEC 60079 and 80079 standards, for hazardous areas and the relevant explosion protected equipment (Ex equipment) that can be used in them.

Course Content:

  • Introduction to Hydrogen Energy
  • Hazardous area classification
  • Certification, documentation & labelling
  • Ignition properties
  • EN / IEC 60079 & 80079 standards
  • Ingress protection
  • Ex methods of protection for electrical equipment
  • Ex methods of protection for non-electrical (mechanical) equipment
  • Hybrid Ex equipment
  • Inspection & maintenance of equipment
  • Repair & overhaul of equipment
  • Written assessment

Target Audience

Personnel with electrical, instrument or mechanical background within industry who require a basic understanding of Hydrogen energy, hazardous areas, and explosion protection equipment and systems.


Available upon request, please phone 01224 798635 or email to arrange a suitable date.

2 days

9AM - 5PM



Martin Constable
+44 (0)1224 798635
EPIT Group, Blackburn Industrial Estate, Aberdeen, AB21 0RX.
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