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Alimak offers a range of Industrial elevators suitable for various vertical access requirements within the offshore oil and gas industry.

Offshore and marine conditions present a unique set of challenges such as strong winds, harsh weather conditions and the roll and pitch of the ocean. Alimak’s range of industrial elevators are built to operate at peak performance within tough offshore environments.

Since Alimak’s offshore elevators first entered the oil & gas market in 1974, over 1,000 elevators have been delivered to the industry.

Typical applications for elevators include semisubmersible and jackup rigs, drill ships and offshore vessels, fixed platforms, swamp barges, gravity-based structures, FPSOs and TLPs around the world. Alimak’s elevator capacities vary depending on the size and weight of the goods to be transported; ranging from the requirement of transportation of personnel to goods and shipping containers.

+44 (0)1933 354700
Alimak Group UK Ltd, Northampton Road, Rushden, Northants, NN10 6BW
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