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ARCUSAFLEX ® - Coupling Enlarge image
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Highly flexible rubber disc coupling for internal combustion engine drives.

The ARCUSAFLEX ® coupling (short form: AC) is a highly torsionally flexible flange coupling with an axial plug-in facility, providing a torsionally soft connection between an internal combustion engine and a driven machine.

ARCUSAFLEX ® - Advantages

*Very high torsional flexibility with a linear torsional deflection characteristic

*High torsional vibration and shock load absorbing capability

*Backlash-free torque transmission

*Ease of assembly thanks to the plug-in type design with ample axial float

*Compensation of major misalignments

*Torque limitation protecting the drive against overload


Mark Lyons - North UK / David Edwards - South UK
+44 161 714 4191
Coronation Street, Unit 4 Bankside Business Park, Stockport, SK5 7PG, UK
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