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New Topper Generation
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The Suzo-Happ group have released a new generation of toppers for casino and AWP machines. It is well known that toppers work to attract players to gaming machines. The first generation of toppers were individually controlled by the host machine. The R&D department was tasked by Suzo management to generate a new technology, to further strengthen the player pull generated by a topper.
Not only one solution came to fruition, but two strong advancements. The first was the move to colour (RGB) toppers. Now the toppers can be fitted with multi-coloured LED’s – using ultra-bright nichia LED’s. 
The second solution is the networking of toppers – up to eight toppers can be linked together. This technology uses computer network patch cables, allowing the toppers to be synchronized. Casinos can even link this synchronization to create unique patterns, for example a snake pattern that runs from one topper to the next.
The LED’s that Suzo has chosen are current driven. This means that they give an improved, longer life. The communication of the synchronized hoppers is via ccTalk, so OEM’s can easily control and create new commands to the toppers, allowed a whole range of possibilities. For the RGB toppers, different colour combinations for flashing pattern can easily be selected. Therefore, a topper can flash with unique patterns for different states - such as prize winning, playing and stand by.

Tim Kennedy, Vice President of Sales for Europe
(+44) 208 391 7700
Unit D2 Longmead Business Park, Felstead Rd, Epsom, Surrey - KT19 9QG, United Kingdom
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